"Always we hope someone else has the answer"


To be completely honest, and one should always be, this is something very real for me. I keep catching myself looking to others for the answer, whether they be ancient texts or friends, recently both have been re-directing me inward to the hardest question in the world, what do I want?

This piece by the Toaist Chinese philosopher words it beautifully:

Always we hope someone else has the answer;
some other place will be better,
some other time it will all turn out.

This is it.
No one else has the answer.
No other place will be better,
and it has already turned out.

At the centre of your being
you have the answer;
you know who you are
and you know what you want.

There is no need
to run outside
for better seeing.

Nor peer from a window.

Rather abide at the centre of your being;
for the more you leave it, the less you learn.
Search your heart
and see
the way to do
is to be.

- Lao Tze

Ask yourself the question, what do you want?


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Join me for the IN-PERSON launch of my book in Cape Town, register via Quicket (i's FREE) :) Would love to see you there.



Kill your darlings


The myths we live by...