do nothing.


We live in a culture that values taking action and for good reason, action trumps everything or just about everything.

I was reminded this morning while doing my usual 20 minutes on my meditation cushion, how powerful passivity can be, 

to allow events to run their course without interfering even if at initial great cost to yourself. To place yourself as the observer of events and even recipient of the effects of the events can be beneficial. This is what the word passive means, from the Latin pati which means to suffer.

If you look back at your life, I'm sure you will notice times where your hands were tied, were you suffered and in hindsight you gained more than you lost with little or no influence over the events.

In short, I've ceased to believe that we should always be pushing things uphill. I don't want to spend my life like Siphysus rolling a boulder up a mountain for all eternity.

Get skin in the game, stand back (sometimes).



get lost


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