Everything is going to be okay.

I often get these types of requests; “We need a motivational speaker since our team is really down, and they need to be inspired.”

Everyone wants someone to tell them that everything is going to be okay, so here it is:

In Pierre's new keynote, "Everything is Going to Be Okay," he will deliver a powerful and uplifting message drawing from his experience in and studying behavior change and human development. Pierre will inspire the audience to embrace new ways of thinking and adapt to new and ever-changing situations. He will emphasize that setbacks are opportunities and encourage everyone to persevere and overcome and use these challenges. By the end of the event, your team will leave feeling motivated and confident, knowing that they have the ability to make positive changes and grow as individuals. and a team. Pierre's keynote promises to be a transformative experience, empowering individuals to believe in themselves and navigate life's ups and downs with resilience and optimism.

Thank you, ChatGPT. :)

The truth is a little different,

Not everything happens for a reason.

The good often die young.

And hard work alone isn’t enough.

The best you can really do in life is just to enjoy your partner, drink wine, and eat bread with gusto.

You could also carry your share of humanity’s burden and lighten the load without anyone noticing or you ever seeing any change. You could also work to strive towards the unreachable horizon, possibly making tomorrow, even if only fractionally, better for others.

So they can enjoy their lovers, drink wine and eat bread with gusto.

Keynotes like that are a harder to sell, though ;)



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