Humans do two things...


"The first philosophers were astronomers. The heavens remind man ... that he is destined not merely to act, but also to contemplate."

This quote is from Ludwig Feuerbach a German philosopher and anthropologist. When reflecting on and discerning my next action, I'm careful to not merely act but also to contemplate. Contemplation is to gaze intently at something, in this case, my own life and career.

Feuerbach confirms my conviction that humans are supposed to act, but also to think, yet more than even that, to contemplate.

In order to do good work outside, you need to do good work inside.

The last year, necessary as it was, my work had to do mostly with helping people to do good work inside, to get people to “put on your own mask first”.

I suspect and sense a shift in weight, at least for me.

Hope you have a great week, do good work.



About saying sorry..


Two things about money (maybe three)