making a decision | part II


Right, so you need more than one option in order to make any sensible decision. For example, rather than just needing to decide if I’m going to take the job offer or not, it will be better and easier to choose between the job or an overhaul of my current role.

But first, what is the question that really needs answering? This will take some work, and by work I mean get out that pen and paper and start getting those thoughts out and down. The decisions that we need to make or the need to change something in our lives almost always has to do with something else.

This is really about that.

Are you asking the right questions, why are you even considering the new job? Is there a deeper change that needs to happen, deeper decisions that need to be taken in order to initiate that change?

Get skin in the game, ask why.



making a decision | part III


making a decision | part I