

Mothers day was yesterday here in South Africa.

It got me thinking about our deep need to be mother-ed. To have someone to take care of us, to protect us, to teach us.

Sadly, many of us never had that, never had a mother or a father that did that job properly (or at all). So, we had to make our own way.

Yet, the desire for a figure that transcends us never leaves us. So what are we to then?

Two things are helpful, and they exist in paradox.

Firstly, find a figure, a mentor (even one in books, Eugene Peterson tells how Dostoevsky filled this gap for him).
Secondly, let it go, grow up, you are enough, you know enough, you have the tools you need.

Get skin in the game, grow.


Want to dig deeper?

This week in the Palaestra we'll be talking about transience, impermanence, absence and the crazy idea of zero.
How do we train ourselves to be better able to handle the constant flux and change?
Go have a look and sign up, it's R100 per month, cancel at any time.


Shut up and do the work


This is what you trained for