There is nothing worse...


There is nothing worse than the right person in the wrong job.. and vice versa.

It is bad for the person and bad for the organisation.

When person and career are aligned with something very powerful happens, people work from a deep inner motivation and knowing that this is what they were born to do, made to do, created to do.

These are spiritual terms and questions like, who am I, why am I here needs to be answered not only in the individual but also as part of a company.

The most effective schools I have seen are ones where the teachers understand their careers, not as a job, and they don’t do it for the money (there isn’t any), they understand it as a divine vocation, a calling, and a divine gift,

Question is, what would it look like if we ask these BIG questions not only as individuals but as companies.

Who are we, what are our gifts?

Why are we here, what is our calling?

Get skin the game, as the BIG questions.



Something to be | 'Spirituality and Work' part I


Seeing a tree.