Your 8 year old self..


What did you want to be when you were 8 years old?

Another part of my discernment process is to look back, I talk about this when I teach decision making in my talks.

The Examen, a 500-year-old discernment practice, teaches that we should be doing a daily stocktake of the points during our day when we felt alive, that felt life-giving as well as those that felt horrible.

Both have something to teach about the direction you need to go in, the life-giving ones can be that because it activates your talents and gifts, the life-sucking ones can teach you the opposite (or that those are triggers you need to work on, but that is another email altogether).

So where, when you look back in your life, did you feel a sense of belonging, purpose and that all-important mystical flow.

For me, it was when I'm being creative. I loved playing dress-up, even as a 4-year-old, I would find some piece of fabric or discarded garment to wear as a costume, a cape, a skirt (years ahead of my time with the gender-neutral vibes.. ;) ).

I loved creating.

What did you love?





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