
Modern life, or post-modern life, is a-rhythmic. Not having a rhythm as our ancestors did, a daily, weekly, monthly rhythm is disorienting. Humans are creatures of habit, we prefer the familiar, with just a touch of chaos and unpredictability our society is the exact opposite.

To stay off the chaos by developing a daily rhythm, a practice of meditation of prayer at certain hours, for example, is life-giving in a disjointed world.

Try this, set a repeat alarm for noon (if you live in Cape Town we have the cannon that fires at noon, so that helps), and when your alarm goes. Stop, even for just 15 seconds and take a look around you and take a couple of deep breaths.

Try it for a week, and see what happens.

Let me know if you are up for the challenge.

Get skin in the game, keep the rhythm.





rock of sponge