Regula III

Here is a practice, a regula, that helps met get my body and mind connected and in the right state.

I jump on our trampoline pretty early in the morning, just a minute or two to get the blood flowing and my muscles activated.

We spend our lives largely disconnected from our bodies, mostly sitting in front of a computer screen or on the couch.

Get into your body, meaning do something physical just after you got up. If you don't go running or go to the gym in the morning, I don't, then find something else. I have my trampoline, a friend of mine does 20 reps of something (situps, pushups, whatever) right when he gets out of bed. You can go for a quick walks, stretch, or just run down the hallway.

Do something physical, and see how it changes your day.

Get skin in the game, get back into your skin.



Regula IV


Regula II