Choose Your Own Adventure


Do you remember those old Choose-Your-Own-Adventure books? You'd get to a point in the story and there would be an option on the page,

A: Enter the haunted house. (go to page 65)
B: Walk around to the back. (go to page 72)

And the story would unfold as you go with multiple different endings. I loved those books*, partly because I really don't like being told what to do.

The most powerful thing, however, you can do is to make a choice. Where do you want to go?

The longer we wait to make a decision the more likely it is that brands will make it for us, or just our need for finances will force our choice.

Don't give your power away.

Get skin in the game, Choose Your Own Adventure


*Now we have similar interactions on Netflix, who are now being sued by the Choose-Your-Own-Adventure publishers. Apparently Choosing Your Own Adventure is, ironically, trademarked.


10 seconds


A Metcon of a Meditation session